52nd Annual
Harvard, MA • The Bromfield School • Route 111
Come to Harvard’s giant one-day outdoor Annual Flea Market, the largest in boston Northwest and central Mass! Join the thousands of bargain hunters who find treasures in 180 booths filled with antiques, collectibles, furniture, glass, household items, sports equipment, toys, clothing, and more!
Saturday, October 5, 2024, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Rain Date - Sunday, October 6
Admission: $5 (all adults); Children 6-12, $1; Early Birds (7:30 to 9am), $10
Want to rent booth space? Vendor applications available at www.harvardfleamarket.com.
Questions? Leave a message at 978-456-5085.
Event Sponsors
The League of Women Voters of Harvard • The Harvard Schools Trust
